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Home » WeWork in London: Higher office use seen as members look beyond the firm filing for bankruptcy in the US

WeWork in London: Higher office use seen as members look beyond the firm filing for bankruptcy in the US

    When WeWork filed for bankruptcy in the US and Canada in November there were numerous property commentators ready to discuss what went so wrong for a offices giant once valued at $47 billion (£37 billion). Speaking to the Evening Standard, Ben Samuels who is based in the capital and has worked for WeWork since 2017, says the reason for the Chapter 11 process "is to ensure that the business is set for future growth". While this is in the US and Canada and WeWork's other global markets and franchisees are not impacted by the proceedings, start-ups up to corporate giants that use WeWork buildings in the UK and elsewhere could understandably have been nervous about the headlines and what might happen to workspace they use.

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